
The Security Sector last Wednesday called a press conference and invited all political party leaders, moral guarantors, traditional and religious leaders, media houses, women’s forum, peace networks, teachers, parents, guardians, young groups, civil society organizations and members of the international community. The purpose of the news conference was to underscore the need for nonviolence elections and support efforts geared towards making Sierra Leone stable and peaceful.


Essentially, what we should take cognizance of as responsible citizens was the clear message of the Security Sector to all Sierra Leoneans to “stay away from violence; don’t take the law into your own hand, follow due process. Don’t allow another man to use your own hand to remove palm kernels from a burning furnace.”

The Security Sector is advising Sierra Leoneans against the backdrop that “since 2018 when the current Government assumed office, the security sector has noted with dismay that there have been countless numbers of anti-state activities tantamount to undermining the peace and security of Sierra Leone and unnecessarily provoking security reactions.”

Indeed, many violent incidents had taken place over the last five years notably in the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) strongholds, such as the Tombo incident at the height of Corona which the President referred to as “terrorist act;” the Lunsar incident that targeted the Paramount Chief whose sibling was eventually killed; the Makeni incident over the relocation of a government generator to Lungi which was in dire need of electricity; the Pademba Road Prison jail break; and the August 10 bloody insurrection. These violent incidents had all been evidently incited by agents of the main opposition APC on social media, such as the notorious Adebayor, who is still inciting opposition elements to stage a massive demonstration on Independence Day 27th April.

Given the latest brutal killing of the OSD Regional Coordinator ASP Mathew Banya aka Boyka in Makeni, the security should not underestimate the inciting message of Adebayor calling on the opposition to take to the streets on Independence Day. They should not renege on their sacred duty to maintain law and order and to ensure that there is peace and tranquillity for everyone to go about their normal business.

Those invited to the security sector news conference such as the traditional and religious leaders, political party leaders, civil society organizations and youth groups have some moral responsibility to preach peace to their people, worshippers, members and the general populace to refrain from violent activities and embrace peace for the love of the only country we have as our own.

By and large, we suggest that anyone who does not stay away from violence or becomes lawless must be treated as a common enemy of the state and serious punishment be meted out to him/her for undermining the peace and stability of the state.

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