
The Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA) has held a public bid opening to select a civil works contractor for the Emergency works along Up Gun through Kissy Bye-Pass Road to PWD Old Road, East End Freetown.

The bid opening was held on Wednesday 8th May, 2024 in the conference room at the SLRA Headquarters in Freetown, in the presence of the bidders and representatives from civil society and the National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA).

The project is part of the World Bank's support to the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) to ease the movements of the Metro buses (Waka Fine) to and from East End Freetown.

The procurement method used is an international competitive bidding process. The bids were advertised in April, 2024 and two bidders responded.

The bid evaluation will be done in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport and Aviation and it will follow the procurement procedures of World Bank to select the most responsive bid.

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