
Orange Sierra Leone and Orange Africa and Middle East (OMEA) on Thursday 18th July, 2024 announced the release of the former’s 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) Report titled "Seeds of Change." The 2023 CRS Report highlighted the company's commitment to inclusive and sustainable development in the region.

The press release stated: "Orange Africa and Middle East (OMEA) is firmly rooted in the regions it serves. It is driven by responsible and ethical corporate governance and is constantly innovating. It relies on reliable infrastructure that fosters the development of value-creating technologies and services. These technologies are being deployed with a low-carbon, maximum solar energy concept and are supported through annual investments of more than one billion Euros.

The services designed and delivered by our 18,000 employees in 17 countries are the seeds of change that help strengthen social, digital, financial and energy inclusion far beyond our 149 million customers, empowering everyone to use them to confidently shape the future that’s right for them.

The millions of opportunities available to young people, women and entrepreneurs through our free initiatives for inclusion are also seeds of change. They include digital literacy, training in new jobs to reduce unemployment, and assistance in finding a job, starting or developing a startup or income-generating activity. This is reflected in the more than one million beneficiaries of the Orange Digital Center program, the 600,000 students in digital schools and the thousands of women supported by the Orange Foundation’s Digital Centers each year.

As a committed local player, OMEA promotes shared and sustainable development, making a significant contribution to 10 national GDPs and paying particular attention to the needs of local communities and the preservation of the environment Its 17 subsidiaries and their employees are actively involved in reforestation activities linked to local socio-economic development. They also help to improve living conditions and access to health services, sport and culture, thereby strengthening the resilience of the most vulnerable populations.

Orange Middle East and Africa and its employees are here and are determined to work with all stakeholders to achieve high-impact developments for the benefit of individuals, society and the planet. They invite us to join them and take action by exploring their #OrangeEngageforChange program and platform.

In Sierra Leone, we are also contributing to these global footprints: 100 employees planted 3,000 trees over 3 hectares with the association Youth Alliance”. The event also raised awareness of Orange’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

The site where the trees were planted suffered a natural disaster with fatalities on 14 August 2017. Our breast cancer awareness and screening program benefited over 5,000 people, with 840 abnormalities detected. We ran extensive awareness campaigns, visiting 15 schools, 8 communities, 5 markets and 10 institutions. These efforts aim to educate and encourage early detection, thereby increasing the chances of survival and effective treatment for women affected by this disease. Discover @orange’s #CSR commitments in Africa and the Middle East via its 2023 CSR report “Seeds of Change”.
Jérôme Hénique, CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, comments: “Seeds of Change reflects our long-term commitment to inclusive and sustainable development in

Africa and the Middle East. I would like to thank all of our teams for their dedication and hard work, which has enabled us to achieve these great results.”

Sekou Amadou Bah, CEO of Orange Sierra Leone, comments: “Our Corporate Social Responsibility is not a choice but a necessity. By embracing the principle of collective efforts, we not only fulfill our obligations on sustainable development, but we also create a positive and lasting impact on society. I thank all employees for your commitment, without which these remarkable footprints we are making in the lives of our communities would not have been possible.”

Asma Ennaifer, CSR, ODC and Communications Director, concludes: “The initiatives and projects presented in this report are the result of a collective effort and the unwavering determination of our employees. Their commitment has made a tangible and lasting difference in the lives of the communities we serve.”

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