
The Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) has put together some Traffic Regulation offences and their penalties for public services. Traffic Regulations often lead to fines and/or imprisonment. The offences and penalties are as follows:-
1. Using a taxi for conveyance of livestock: Penalty – minimum penalty for this offence is a fine of Le400,000
2. Carrying excess passengers on a taxi: Penalty – Le400,000
3. Carrying excess persons onboard omnibus: Penalty – Le400,000
4. Driving an unclean omnibus and driver/conductor not properly dressed and tidy: Penalty - Le400,000
5. Carrying onboard omnibus goods and passengers at the same time: Penalty – Le400,000
6. Driving omnibus on an unauthorized route: Penalty – Le400,000
7. Failing to route a public service vehicle operating in Western Area (taxi/omnibus): Penalty - Le300,000
8. Carrying additional freight or load on the canopy of a tanker: Penalty – Le400,000
9. Parking a spirit or explosive tanker in populated location: Penalty – Le400,000
10. Failing to produce driving license on demand for inspection by an appropriate authority: Penalty - Le400,000
11. Driving public service vehicles without passenger manifest (provincial vehicles): Penalty – Le400,000
12. Permitting person(s) to stand in a motor vehicle or trailer that is not covered while in motion.
13. Driving vehicle without (fire extinguisher, wheel spanner, horn, insurance certificate, warning reflection triangle, inflated spare tire, first aid box, jack and road worthiness certificate): Penalty – Le400,000
14. Driving vehicle with tinted glass when not approved by the police: Penalty – Le400,000
15. Driving and smoking while the vehicle is in motion: Penalty – Le400,000
16. Eating and driving in a vehicle while the vehicle is in motion: Penalty – Le400,000
17. Driver regulating or receiving mobile telephone call, while the vehicle is ion motion: Penalty – Le400,000
18. Driving/riding recklessly or carelessly or dangerously or under the influence of alcohol (in case of commercial vehicle): Penalty – one can be arrested for committing such offence (warrants arrest).
19. Driving a motor vehicle dangerously: Penalty – warrants arrest
20. Driving under the influence of alcohol above minimum percentage: Penalty – warrants arrests

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