
The flooding which occurred almost 4 years after the mudslide and flooding on August 14th, 2016 was absolutely devastating as areas within the city that never flooded over the years got flooded, with properties washed away.

The country’s Metrological department says the flooding that hit the country recently was far heavier than the August 14th 2016 overflowing that triggered a mudslide in the mountainous area which left scores of people dead, many buried under the rubble and property worth millions destroyed.

Two people are reported to have died at the disaster prone Kroo Bay community, while in Bathurst village a fence is said to have collapsed to the ground killing 3, while others are believed to be buried under the rubble.

Two others are reported to have died in the eastern part of city.

The metrological department has described the heavy downpour as level one, hence stakeholders including the Office of National Security (ONS) are engaged to set in motion disaster mitigation contingencies..