
Orange Foundation in partnership with ICAP and the Ministry of Health at the weekend donated baby care kits to new mothers at the Kroo Bay Community in Freetown.

The kits comprising essential items for the babies’ first months of life were distributed to mothers who completed four or more antenatal care visits and delivered at the healthcare center.

Representatives from each organization were present along with community members, stakeholders and past beneficiaries who shared their experiences.

This donation also marked the close-out of the project in the Kroo Bay Community with hope to extend to other communities across the country.
This initiative highlights Orange Foundation’s commitment to supporting maternal health and well-being in Sierra Leone.

Orange Foundation in collaboration with its partners have been engaging in various healthcare interventions in the past years under the Kroo Bay Community Health Project.

The Foundation’s commitment to promote improved healthcare service delivering to children, lactating and pregnant women in collaboration with the government is immeasurable in Sierra Leone.

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