
His Excellency President Brig. (Rtd) Julius Maada Bio did not mince matters on Wednesday 22nd May, 2024 at the Southern Arena Stadium in Bo city, when he made it crystal clear that after the 24th June, 2023 national elections there would be no more elections until 2028 amidst thunderous applause.

Addressing a mammoth crowd at the official recognition and coronation of twelve newly elected Paramount Chiefs in the Bo, Bonthe, Falaba, Kailahun, Kenema, Koinadugu, Kono, Moyamba and Port Loko Districts, President Bio fumed that those who called themselves political big guns and misleading the country that there will be another elections and that they will come out in June, the Head of State assured that they were ready for them.

He averred that Sierra Leone does not belong to one man and that a group of people cannot decide that they are going to cause confusion and make the lives of Sierra Leoneans miserable.

President Bio recalled that when the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) declared that he lost the 2012 presidential election, his supporters were annoyed but he encouraged them to exercise patience, but now that they have made it in the 2023 national elections, the opposition doesn’t want to exercise patience because of what he described as “suck air”, meaning economic hardship.

The Commander-in-Chief also averred that they came to power through the ballot box and he would continue to serve the people of Sierra Leone until the end of his tenure in 2028. He however warned that anyone that came with bullet would be sent back with bullet, citing an example of the bad eggs whose sins were filled to the brim that attempted to overthrow his Government on Sunday 26th November, 2023.

He highlighted the problems of the world including natural catastrophes and economic hardship, and therefore advised that Sierra Leoneans should make sure that their own home was safe.