
20, 000 Households comprising vulnerable and poor women across the Western Area Rural District in Hasting village, Bathurst Village, Kalie pay point, Mile Six and Goderich community have received a sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Leones (Le250, 000) per each household under the Social Safety Net Project.
The project which came out of the poor community assessment and focuses on Health, Education, Business, and food is collaborated by the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA), Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) and Splash Mobile

According to the NaCSA Project Officer on Education Information and Communications, Sentho Kargbo, the project is a cash transfer that mainly focuses on poor and vulnerable women in nine districts in the country with the slogan ‘Help Fet Po’. She disclosed that the project started in 2015 and will end in 2019, and that payment is done in every three months.

Madam Kargbo maintained that the beneficiaries are sensitized on how to utilize monies given to them, as well as how to maximize profit in business, help with their children’s education, health and providing food in their homes. This is the first quarter payment.

Haja Isatu Kamara, NaCSA Deputy Commissioner advised the beneficiaries to make good use of the opportunity. She explained to women about the responsibilities which most of them carry, especially when their men are jobless.

The Commissioner said the money is not small, especially to start business and that the Commission will soon start to monitor the activities for which the money(s) are being used for.

She informed the women in Mile Six community that in Kailahun, women have used it successfully in the fight against poverty. She also urged all on the importance of hygiene in their environment.

Speaking to the women and beneficiaries, many said that they are happy because the project has helped them in different areas of life such as growing vegetables, paying of school fees and taking care of hospital bill and several others.