
In its celebration of Ethics and Compliance Day, Orange Sierra Leone - the biggest and widest mobile network in the country - yesterday Monday 20th November, 2023 engaged its partners on awareness raising on “Zero Corruption” with the theme: “Corruption Risk Map –Scenarios and Mitigation Plan” held at its Head Office on Regent Road, Hill Station in Freetown.

Orange Sierra Leone’s partners include suppliers, contractors and service providers respectively. Speaking at the engagement, the Director of Governance, Internal Control & Audit, Orange Sierra Leone, Cheikh Diongue Mbaye, underscored the importance of the Ethics & Compliance Day in accelerating their efforts to achieve “Zero Corruption” in the company.

The Director said the engagement with partners is one of the events and part of the Ethics and Compliance Week to share with them the risk scenarios and collect feedbacks to devise solutions together in a bid to improve their ways in the fight against corruption.

According to him, the main challenge in the risk scenarios was the accepting or giving some advantage gifts to solicit services or contracts with the company. Mr. Mbaye said the company is raising awareness to its partners to avoid corrupt behaviour which he said is not ethical, fair or builds trust between Orange Sierra Leone and partners.

The Head of Ethics and Compliance of Orange (SL), Elizabeth M.A. Fatorma, highlighted the corruption risk scenarios to partners and the sanctions that have been put in place to institute against any culpable staff for corrupt practices.

She said the awareness-raising is a continuous process to remind partners about ethics and compliance in the fight against corruption.

The Head of Ethics & Compliance reiterated that Orange (SL) Company’s stance to “Zero tolerance to corruption” and urged partners to abhor corruption. She said the company introduced zero physical cash transactions in all its dealings to avoid undue advantage in contract awarded to partners.

According to Elizabeth Fatorma, Orange SL is soliciting the supports of all partners in the fight against corruption by raising the alarm to call the Free Toll Line 501 or send an email to Orange (SL) or Sonatel.

She admonished partners to protect their businesses and preserve integrity by saying no to corruption and report any corrupt practices to the company.

Madam Fatorma said the company often investigates its frontline workers when they receive complaints of misconduct from the customers.