
The ongoing trial of 12 accused, including Amadu Koita Makolo and Mohamed Jalloh, witnessed the testimonies of the first prosecution witness (PW1), Detective Fritzinun Joshua Moosa, and PW2, Superintendent Ahmed Tejan Sallife.

The PW1 detailed the circumstances leading to the arrest of Amadu Koita Makolo, the first accused, at the Sumaila Town Community in Freetown.
He narrated that a joint team of military and police, acting on intelligence related to the 5th accused, Alima Hassan Bangura, proceeded to her residence.

Detective Moosa, the Line Manager at the Criminal Investigations Department Headquarters, Freetown, shared the events leading to the arrest during his testimony. He said acting on intelligence related to the 5th accused, Alima Hassan Bangura, a joint team of military and police swiftly organized and proceeded to her residence.

Despite initial challenges gaining entry, the team discovered Amadu Koita hiding in a kitchen cabinet, where he was arrested.
Both the 1st and 5th accused were subsequently taken to the CID Headquarters for further investigations.

During the search, military materials including uniforms, a bag, desert boots, and a voter’s ID card belonging to the 2nd accused, Mohamed Jalloh, were found at the residence of the 8th accused, Bai Mamoud Bangura.

Detective Moosa said the 2nd accused claimed the items belonged to his brother, who worked at Wilberforce Barracks. Both the 12th, 2nd and 8th accused were arrested and taken to CID Headquarters.